Look the Part. Feel the Power. Is your style elevating or limiting you? Find out how to fix it in  minutes!

Look the Part.
Feel the Power.

Is your style elevating or limiting you? Find out how to fix it in  minutes!


Level up how you show up

I honestly can’t wait to go on vacation this summer, and there’s no end to my list of places I want to visit! Summer 2024 is going to be filled with adventure, which means that you need to be able to pack like a pro. Nothing spoils a trip more than not packing correctly! It […]

Pack Like A Pro For Your Summer Vacation

Personal Style, Travel

Travel has been the only thing on most of our minds and we can’t wait to plan our next trips! This Summer has been filled with adventure which means you need to be able to pack like a pro so you can enjoy your much deserved trips. It doesn’t matter where you’re going–it’s important that […]

Pack Like a Pro

Professional Image

Finally, it’s Summer time and the living’s easy! Or it’s supposed to be…right? If you are still finding yourself struggling to get dressed and feel confident, now is the time to do something about it! You can look and feel your best this season! Learn how to look POLISHED this Summer with little effort. Since […]

Look POLISHED this Summer with Little Effort

Personal Style, Professional Image

I’ve never met a woman that did not want to feel beautiful and authentic, have you? One thing I’ve learned is that easy-to-follow routines are the key to maintaining a polished appearance. So I want to tell you about some habits that will ensure you feel more and more attractive by the day. The journey […]

5 Habits to Feel Your Most Beautiful and Authentic Self

Beauty & Health, Personal Style

If you’re in the market for a life changing experience that will have you looking and feeling amazing every time you step out of the house, then look no further. Consider joining The Polished Style Lab Fall 2021 Cohort! Put an end to feeling like you consistently fall short. It’s time to embrace your confidence […]

Apply to the Life Changing Fall 2021 Polished Style Lab

Personal Style, Professional Image

A topic I find so important to share with my clients is how to uncover your personal style. It is something that often women will tell me they don’t have. What these women don’t have is a clue about what their personal style is, but they all do truly have one! What happens is that […]

How to Uncover Your Personal Style, YES You Have One

Personal Style, Professional Image

Ever wonder what it’s like to build a wardrobe you love? Are you ready to to stop stressing about your appearance and feeling blah everyday? Is it time for you to update your personal style and start loving your wardrobe again? Well, trust me my friend, you are not alone. We have all been through […]

[FREE Master Class] How to Build a Wardrobe You Love in 4 Simple Steps

Personal Style, Professional Image

Agonizing over what to wear in the morning, it can be enough to ruin a good night’s sleep. Perhaps you are thumbing through a rolodex of clothing options in your head and nothing seems right. Maybe you find yourself wishing you had pieces to make a look complete. Or you might even have no clue […]

How to Stop Agonizing Over What to Wear Every Morning

Professional Image

A guarantee that life provides is that there will be times when things get so busy that you may lose sight of what your goals are and how to refocus. Sometimes we become so great at pivoting from all the curve balls life throws at us that we forget we are still on the detour! […]

How to Refocus for the Remainder of 2021

Beauty & Health

Summer is in FULL swing this year which means you need to be able to pack like a pro so you can enjoy your much deserved trips. It doesn’t matter where you’re going, it’s important that you pack smart and are fully prepared. Thinking about it now, I’m not sure I’ve ever had a trip […]

Travel is Back So Learn How to Pack Like A Pro

Professional Image

Finally, it’s Summer time and the living’s easy! Or it’s supposed to be… right? So why not learn how to look attractive with minimal effort so you can stop wasting time getting ready and start L-I-V-I-N-G it up and truly enjoying this Summer. Especially since it’s a season when there’s no need to worry about […]

How to Look Attractive with Minimal Effort this Summer

Personal Style, Professional Image

Time and time again, women I start working with will tell me they don’t have a personal taste level. That is the furthest thing from the truth! EVERY woman has a specific taste level when it comes to fashion, some just don’t know how to define it. And that’s where I step in to help. […]

Master Your Personal Taste Level… Trust Me, You Have One

Personal Style, Professional Image

My clients call me their secret weapon!
I use my proven POLISHED ID METHOD to teach women their personal style rules and how to navigate, and define the world of fashion on their terms.

My clients become their own Fashion Editor! I don't want them to be dependent on me.
(this is where the confidence comes from)

I know for a fact that any woman, regardless of their size, shape or age, can have a personal style that makes them feel confident and look fabulous!


This my friend, is your POLISHED ID.

Lover of fashion, passionate about personal image, and former fashion executive now dedicated to assisting professional women level up!

Hi, I'm Robin.

MEET YOUR image and style strategist

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Image Consultant and Personal Stylist to professional women ready to "Level Up How They Show Up!"

HELLO. I'm Robin.
