want to discover where you are in your style journey?


Level up how you show up

The image of yourself you present to the world is your visual business card. It tells the world who you are, what you do, and what you stand for. It has the power to change your life and position you for success – but only if you let it! If you’re ready to level up […]

4 Mindset Shifts You Need to Make About Your Image and Style

Professional Image

Think that your style and image don’t impact your career trajectory? If so, you are misinformed, my friend— they 100% do. In fact, your image has the power to make or break every opportunity that comes your way. Moreover – it can have a positive OR negative effect on what doors open for you in […]

The Hard Truth: Your Image And Your Success

Professional Image

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. You only have 7 seconds to make a great first impression! (And in business, first impressions count!) For years, we’ve mastered them in person, but as we all know, the world is a lot more digital these days. Therefore, you have to develop a strong online […]

5 Ways To Look Polished In Today’s Virtual World

Professional Image

Manifesting is a tactic used to improve your life and managing your style can help! Sure, a positive mindset and can-do attitude will get you far, but looking the part will give you a solid boost. Some may view this as materialistic, which is completely understandable. But to be blatantly honest, we live in a […]

How Managing Your Personal Style Will Improve Your Life

Personal Style, Professional Image

Just because you may be conducting business virtually, does not mean you get to skip on updating your WFH wardrobe capsule! We are approaching a new season after all, and you know what that means. Head over to your closet to take inventory, purge and update. By now, you should know that to look amazing […]

How to Curate a Zoom Perfect Spring 2021 WFH Wardrobe Capsule

Personal Style, Professional Image

As a Polished woman, no one has to tell you twice that your personal style and image during business hours matters! In fact, it may be the rest of your department that breaks a nervous sweat when the big boss shows up unannounced. While everyone just tossed on their a-little-too-casual for business casual clothes, you […]

How to Embrace Your Personal Style and Image During Business Hours

Personal Style, Professional Image

If the thought of “I should dress better for work” comes across your mind often, then this is for you! In fact, let’s make 2021 the year of dressing for the job you want, not the job you have. Honestly, you can never be the boss or even your own boss if you don’t carry […]

How to Dress Better for Work – 5 Steps to Managing Your Professional Image

Professional Image

At the end of 2020, Northern Virginia Magazine reached out for my professional opinion on what styles would be IN during 2021. Otherwise known as our redemption year! I love letting audiences in on fashion tips and tricks, and was honored to be included. Any chance I get to share with women how they can […]

Northern Virginia Magazine Shares Insider Knowledge on Fashion Trends this Year

Events, Professional Image

My clients call me their secret weapon!
I use my proven POLISHED ID METHOD to teach women their personal style rules and how to navigate, and define the world of fashion on their terms.

My clients become their own Fashion Editor! I don't want them to be dependent on me.
(this is where the confidence comes from)

I know for a fact that any woman, regardless of their size, shape or age, can have a personal style that makes them feel confident and look fabulous!


This my friend, is your POLISHED ID.

Lover of fashion, passionate about personal image, and former fashion executive now dedicated to assisting professional women level up!

Hi, I'm Robin.

MEET YOUR image and style strategist

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Image Consultant and Personal Stylist to professional women ready to "Level Up How They Show Up!"

HELLO. I'm Robin.
