Is your style holding you back? Take the first step toward confident, INDIVIDAUL style today!


Level up how you show up

In a perfect world, every professional woman would wake up feeling confident, secure, and ready to handle business! Thoughts of imposter syndrome would be far away, and there would be nothing that could possibly dampen their shine. Unfortunately, my friend… this just isn’t always the case. Harnessing confidence is an essential part of realizing your […]

The 4 Tips You Need To Confidently Look The Part

Personal Style, Professional Image

Do you feel stressed every morning when you’re getting dressed? Do you feel like your professional image doesn’t match your skills? If so, you might need a plan and some guidance. That’s why, my friend, I’m sharing my secrets with you today. You can get my FREE download of The Polished ID™ Playbook and start polishing […]

The Polished ID™ Playbook

Personal Style, Professional Image

In a perfect world, none of us would ever feel less than 100% confident. We’d never feel imposter syndrome. And nothing would ever stand in our way. But my friend, this world is full of challenges and roadblocks. And unfortunately, a lot of the time, we’re standing in our own way! You may not be […]

4 Roadblocks To Leveling Up Your Image

Personal Style, Professional Image

Are you overwhelmed every time you go to get dressed in the morning? Are you confident in what you bring to the table professionally, but your image doesn’t match? What you need is a strategy and a guide, my friend. So I’m spilling my secrets for you today with a FREE download of The Polished […]

The Polished ID™ Playbook

Personal Style, Professional Image

It’s officially summer, and you know what that means, my friend. We all want to get outside immediately after spending the whole day inside the office, and enjoy a cocktail on a patio in the sunset! And we’re going to look damn good while doing it, too. Worried about looking too formal for your evening […]

3 ways to transition your outfit after work

Personal Style, Professional Image

It is time for the Polished Level Up Workshop Fall 2022! With the Polished rebrand happening at the same time as this season’s Workshop–I have been working around the clock to make sure I’m delivering the highest level of service and bringing my refined and improved strategies to the table. The rebrand and new Level […]

The Polished Level Up Workshop Fall 2022!

Events, Personal Style, Professional Image

Summer is in full swing and the world has reopened. Are you ready to confidently reintroduce yourself and make an impact and strong impression? The professional and corporate required dress codes have changed; and trust me, you’re not the only one staring at a closet full of clothes that no longer caters to your lifestyle and […]

The Polished Level Up Workshop

Events, Personal Style, Professional Image

I know that now more than ever you’ve been looking in your closet every day, feeling overwhelmed, and wondering what it would feel like to finally look the part at work and in your professional career. However, your lackluster wardrobe has left you feeling insecure, stressed, and self-conscious. If only you knew what you needed […]

Introducing The Level Up Workshop

Events, Personal Style, Professional Image

My clients call me their secret weapon!
I use my proven POLISHED ID METHOD to teach women their personal style rules and how to navigate, and define the world of fashion on their terms.

My clients become their own Fashion Editor! I don't want them to be dependent on me.
(this is where the confidence comes from)

I know for a fact that any woman, regardless of their size, shape or age, can have a personal style that makes them feel confident and look fabulous!


This my friend, is your POLISHED ID.

Lover of fashion, passionate about personal image, and former fashion executive now dedicated to assisting professional women level up!

Hi, I'm Robin.

MEET YOUR image and style strategist

free quiz

Image Consultant and Personal Stylist to professional women ready to "Level Up How They Show Up!"

HELLO. I'm Robin.
