Is your style holding you back? Take the first step toward confident, INDIVIDAUL style today!


Level up how you show up

Are you confident in what you bring to the table professionally, but your image doesn’t match? Are you overwhelmed every time you go to get dressed in the morning? Do your closet and your goals say two different things about you? It’s time to get those two in alignment – and what you need is […]

The Polished ID™ Playbook

Personal Brand, Personal Style, Professional Image

If you’ve recently gone through a major life transition and you’re finding yourself surrounded by newness in the new year… well, this blog is for you. Maybe you’ve made a career change. Moved. Had a baby. Or sent your kids off to college. Gotten a divorce, or gotten married. Snagged a promotion! Whatever the case […]

Polished Tips: 4 Easy Ways to Elevate Your 2025 Look

Personal Style, Professional Image

Hot take: winter fashion is ELITE! For many women out there, this season means sweatpants. Comfies. Oversized pieces. No makeup. Hair under a beanie or a ball cap most days. Less effort all around. And to that I say – if you get in the habit of making less effort during the winter (or ever!), […]

Winter Wardrobe Essentials For The Professional Woman

Personal Style, Professional Image

Pumpkin spice lattes are back and all the fall decor has hit the shelves! I’m so excited about the temps starting to cool down, all of the fun fall activities, and most importantly – the fall fashion! I can’t wait to see all of the street styles out of New York Fashion Week, too. There’s […]

Find Your Personal Style And Level Up Your Professional Presence!

Personal Brand, Personal Style, Professional Image

Picture this: you’ve just finished your morning routine. You’ve showered and have your coffee in hand, and you’re ready to conquer the day! But when you stand in front of your closet to get dressed… you freeze. When you start thinking about what to wear, you clam up. You immediately go into fight or flight! […]

It’s Not That Complicated: Why You’re Overthinking Getting Dressed

Personal Style

Do you feel stressed every morning when you’re getting dressed? Do you feel like your professional image doesn’t match your skills? If so, you might need a plan and some guidance. That’s why, my friend, I’m sharing my secrets with you today. You can get my FREE download of The Polished ID™ Playbook and start polishing […]

The Polished ID™ Playbook

Personal Style, Professional Image

In a perfect world, none of us would ever feel less than 100% confident. We’d never feel imposter syndrome. And nothing would ever stand in our way. But my friend, this world is full of challenges and roadblocks. And unfortunately, a lot of the time, we’re standing in our own way! You may not be […]

4 Roadblocks To Leveling Up Your Image

Personal Style, Professional Image

Are you overwhelmed every time you go to get dressed in the morning? Are you confident in what you bring to the table professionally, but your image doesn’t match? What you need is a strategy and a guide, my friend. So I’m spilling my secrets for you today with a FREE download of The Polished […]

The Polished ID™ Playbook

Personal Style, Professional Image

Are you unhappy with your clothes and struggle to put together an outfit that’s authentic to YOU? Are you ready to have a wardrobe that makes you feel excited about getting dressed? If this rings true for you, my friend, it’s time for a change! Your style is a tool to help you to feel […]

How To Build A Functional Wardrobe That Works For YOU

Personal Style, Professional Image

As someone whose body has been everything from a size 6 to a size 20, I’m proud to say that I’ve learned to show myself grace and accept my body at every size. Now, I’m not saying that I love having extra weight on these bones, but what I do know is that feeling sorry […]

How to Accept Your Current Body to Create Personal and Professional Confidence

Personal Style, Professional Image

Spring is in full bloom! I don’t know about you, but I was more than ready to start breaking out my spring pieces after such a long winter. I’m outside enjoying this weather every chance I get, and I’m making sure I look damn good while doing it! When putting together a spring outfit (really […]

Polished Finds: Spring 2023 Sandals

Personal Style, Professional Image

Are you ready to plan your personal branding shoot but don’t know where to start? When it comes to becoming more visible online and taking control of our professional and personal image, there is no better way than having an amazing headshot and branding photos to back you up. Trust me, when it comes to […]

How to Plan Your Personal Branding Shoot

Events, Personal Style, Professional Image

My clients call me their secret weapon!
I use my proven POLISHED ID METHOD to teach women their personal style rules and how to navigate, and define the world of fashion on their terms.

My clients become their own Fashion Editor! I don't want them to be dependent on me.
(this is where the confidence comes from)

I know for a fact that any woman, regardless of their size, shape or age, can have a personal style that makes them feel confident and look fabulous!


This my friend, is your POLISHED ID.

Lover of fashion, passionate about personal image, and former fashion executive now dedicated to assisting professional women level up!

Hi, I'm Robin.

MEET YOUR image and style strategist

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Image Consultant and Personal Stylist to professional women ready to "Level Up How They Show Up!"

HELLO. I'm Robin.
