After the year we’ve all had, I thought it would be the perfect time to refocus by resurfacing the 5-Day Clarity Challenge. It’s no surprise that many have forgotten to make themselves a priority and I do not blame them! Just a reminder that putting yourself first is not selfish since you need to be at your best mentally and physically to be able to help others.
By the end of this year, your personal and professional goals may have changed completely. So it is the perfect time to refocus, reevaluate and start heading in the right direction for optimal success.
Allow me to re-introduce the 5-Day Clarity Challenge and why you can benefit from it.
Who is this challenge for?
- This challenge is for YOU if you’re tired of feeling stagnant and ready to get back to the good part of LIFE even if that means you have to pivot! You’ve worked hard, you’re successful, but there’s something else you crave in your personal life or career. You just need a little help on focusing and clearing out the mental clutter so you can move on and get to it!
- You understand that life is too short to feel overwhelmed, tired, and stressed all the time. So you’re ready to ignite your inner warrior and attack what’s holding you back from the life and the success you deserve PERIOD!
During this 5-Day Challenge You Will…
- Identify the issues holding you back and create the strategies you need to practice daily to combat them head on! You were not put on this earth to be defeated.
- Reconnect with your authentic self and redefine your personal image based on who you are today. Sometimes the mere issue is we are not addressing the fact that, as individuals, we have changed. Personal growth is a beautiful thing if we allow it.
- Take back control of your life with a purpose! One thing I know about the Polished woman is regardless of where she is in her life, she is powerful and needs to control her own destiny.
How the challenge will go down… as simple as 1-2-3.
- The 5-Day Clarity Challenge will only take 20-30 minutes of your time for 5 days. I planned it this way to ensure you don’t waist time and focus on what you really want (that’s right, we’re not messing around)!
- Each day for 5 days, you will receive a thought-provoking email and downloadable worksheet to guide you through an actionable exercise. I recommend doing each exercise in the evening, once your day has calmed down from your hustle. (I also recommend grabbing a nice glass of wine or your favorite cup of tea to make it more enjoyable).
- That’s it! I’m not here to waste your time with the fluff—we have things to do. It’s time to refocus!
So are you ready to get your personal and professional life moving in the direction you desire again? Wait no more… click the button to begin!
This may also be a fantastic time to brush up on your sense of style so that the way you dress communicates that you are ready to put in the work to get what you deserve this upcoming year!
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