Look the Part. Feel the Power. Is your style elevating or limiting you? Find out how to fix it in  minutes!

Look the Part.
Feel the Power.

Is your style elevating or limiting you? Find out how to fix it in  minutes!


Level up how you show up

In a perfect world, every professional woman would wake up feeling confident, secure, and ready to handle business! Thoughts of imposter syndrome would be far away, and there would be nothing that could possibly dampen their shine. Unfortunately, my friend… this just isn’t always the case. Harnessing confidence is an essential part of realizing your […]

The 4 Tips You Need To Confidently Look The Part

Personal Style, Professional Image

Successful women understand that their professional image and style are vital to their success. Although it may be uncomfortable to admit, the way we present ourselves plays a significant role in how others perceive us and how we feel about ourselves. Therefore, when we enhance our appearance, we become more visible, our voices are heard, […]

What Is Professional Style And How Can You Discover It?

Personal Style, Professional Image

In a perfect world, none of us would ever feel less than 100% confident. We’d never feel imposter syndrome. And nothing would ever stand in our way. But my friend, this world is full of challenges and roadblocks. And unfortunately, a lot of the time, we’re standing in our own way! You may not be […]

4 Roadblocks To Leveling Up Your Image

Personal Style, Professional Image

It’s officially summer, and you know what that means, my friend. We all want to get outside immediately after spending the whole day inside the office, and enjoy a cocktail on a patio in the sunset! And we’re going to look damn good while doing it, too. Worried about looking too formal for your evening […]

3 ways to transition your outfit after work

Personal Style, Professional Image

Wondering how to spice up your wardrobe this Spring season? You can easily update your looks with just a few key pieces! I have hand-picked some of the most stylish and versatile pieces every professional woman should own. So, whether you’re going to the office, running errands, or need fashion inspiration this season–check out the […]

Three Items Every Professional Woman Needs this Spring

Beauty & Health, Personal Style, Professional Image

There is a connection between how we look and how we feel. Our image and style aren’t solely dependent on our physical appearance and features–it’s how we carry ourselves, what we communicate to the world, and how authentic we feel in our skin. I have gone through most of my personal and professional life using […]

3 Reasons Why Your Personal Style Can Professionally Hold You Back

Personal Style, Professional Image

As a woman, I know how hard we can be on ourselves. But, as an image consultant and style coach, I see the struggles some women face regarding confidence and self-esteem. Now, I know it’s easier said than done–but we need to own our style and use our confidence as our superpower! As professional women, […]

How to Overcome Feeling Insecure About Your Image

Personal Style, Professional Image

Your image and style are your super powers and can be used to position you for success. What you wear and how you wear it is your communication tool that tells people who you are and that you mean business!

5 Steps to Developing Your Confident Image and “Looking the Part”

Personal Style, Professional Image

I serve hard-working, professional women to develop their image and style because I know they don’t have time to worry about what they’re going to wear all the time. It can be time consuming and stressful trying to decide what to wear. Especially–if we have big events coming up, recently transitioned into a different job/position, […]

How to Plan Your Outfits for the Week in 30 Minutes or Less

Personal Style, Professional Image

For some reason, there are women who believe that solid professional branding comes down to an unlimited budget and a closet bursting with clothing options. Allow me to debunk that myth through this blog post. And just to clarify, having a closet full of clothes doesn’t necessarily signify great style. Nailing your professional brand is […]

Professional Branding – No Need for A Closet Full of Clothes or An Unlimited Budget

Professional Image

Working from home can wreak havoc on a professional womans style. Why? Because our closets are missing the outfits that are comfortable and stylish! It is very important to always adjust your wardrobe when your lifestyle changes. Especially, if that lifestyle change means you now work from home. On the days you don’t have to […]

Work From Home Comfortable Outfits

Personal Style, Professional Image

My clients call me their secret weapon!
I use my proven POLISHED ID METHOD to teach women their personal style rules and how to navigate, and define the world of fashion on their terms.

My clients become their own Fashion Editor! I don't want them to be dependent on me.
(this is where the confidence comes from)

I know for a fact that any woman, regardless of their size, shape or age, can have a personal style that makes them feel confident and look fabulous!


This my friend, is your POLISHED ID.

Lover of fashion, passionate about personal image, and former fashion executive now dedicated to assisting professional women level up!

Hi, I'm Robin.

MEET YOUR image and style strategist

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Image Consultant and Personal Stylist to professional women ready to "Level Up How They Show Up!"

HELLO. I'm Robin.
