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Lover of fashion, passionate about personal image, and former fashion executive now dedicated to assisting professional women level up!
Have you noticed that your all black outfit no longer brings you joy? Sure, black is a staple color for any woman’s chic wardrobe, and for some it’s an industry uniform. But the truth is, wearing all black with zero pop of color is boring… and frankly, my friend, it looks depressing. Let’s talk about the power of color and establishing your personal brand!
As we eased out of the pandemic, I realized that I’d been letting how I was feeling during Covid dictate my everyday color scheme! Things were monotone: black, blue, grey, white… I couldn’t be bothered with color. But when I started feeling more back to normal, I started to crave more color in my outfits. And I’ve found that on the days I need a boost lately, it’s color that’ll get me going. It’s helped my style evolve in this season of my life. And not only that, but it’s helped inspire me more than I ever imagined with Polished!
The first thing I tell all of my clients about color is: ”A red is not just a red, and a blue is not just a blue.” When you wear color, you really want to focus on two things: the tone of the color, and what those colors blend with. That’ll ensure the color makes you look your absolute best!
Color has the power to communicate who we are, how we feel about ourselves, and the direction our life is going in. The colors you choose to express yourself with paint the clearest possible picture about how you want to be seen! Check out these tips to elevate your look through the colors you wear! Once you implement them, your personal brand will thank you.
Tip #1:
When you wear a color, you want it to blend with the natural tones in your skin, hair, eyes, and teeth (yes, your teeth!). Pay attention to the colors you’re wearing when people give you compliments. These are most likely the colors that flatter you the best. (And they’re what you should make sure to wear more of!) Color is a tool, so use it to your advantage!
Tip #2:
Determine your power color. Not all colors will say what you want them to say, though, and every tone can evoke a different feeling. How do you want people to see you? Use this guide to communicate with color – without you having to say a word!
Red – Attention and authority
Pink – Femininity and warmth
Orange – Liveliness and happiness
Purple – Luxury and royalty
Every woman needs a power color to infuse into her wardrobe to use as a tool to establish her leadership and professional presence. (My power color is orange!)
Tip #3:
Wear darker and deeper colors in areas you want to camouflage and/or make appear smaller. As a mom of 3 who carries weight in her midsection, I wear deep colors on my bottom half such as black, navy, burgundy, hunter green, etc. Dark colors absorb light, which will minimize the focus of that part of the body. Then, wear colors that flatter in other places to create an amazing look! A huge part of personal branding is confidence. So do everything you can to feel confident – because you deserve to!
So you’ve got your power color, and you know how to build an outfit… now what? Are you struggling with how to make your wardrobe be more of an asset? Click HERE to discover some helpful mindset shifts! Want to hone in on your personal brand? Click HERE to discover my method! Want to teach other people how to harness the power of image and style? Click HERE to schedule an appointment with me for my stylist certification program!
Let’s level up how you show up!
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