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Lover of fashion, passionate about personal image, and former fashion executive now dedicated to assisting professional women level up!
As an Image Consultant and Professional Stylist, , I recognize that it is necessary to persuade some people to discard the negative perception that placing importance on one’s appearance is a superficial and shallow act. In reality, our image and style have the potential to position us for success and differentiate us from our colleagues. Our image and style can help us succeed and stand out. Therefore, I encourage my clients to refrain from believing these four misconceptions surrounding image and style, and instead, embrace their appearance in a manner that contributes to their professional development and personal satisfaction.
Having familiarized yourself with the four preconceptions surrounding image and style, are you now prepared to embark on the journey to cultivate your desired image and curate a wardrobe tailored exclusively to you? Here is a sneak peek to my next blog: Get my free The Polished ID™ Playbook. The Polished ID™ Playbook is my 15-page guide to leveling up your professional appearance and making sure that it’s working for you, not against you!