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Lover of fashion, passionate about personal image, and former fashion executive now dedicated to assisting professional women level up!
If you’ve recently gone through a major life transition and you’re finding yourself surrounded by newness in the new year… well, this blog is for you. Maybe you’ve made a career change. Moved. Had a baby. Or sent your kids off to college. Gotten a divorce, or gotten married. Snagged a promotion! Whatever the case may be – what you dress yourself in every day should be a reflection of this newness. Therefore, your wardrobe might need a little update to reflect those changes! In fact, the key to a style upgrade starts with understanding where you are right now and where you want to go with your personal image. So let’s get into some Polished tips: 4 easy ways to elevate your 2025 look!
Here’s the thing – if you’ve gone through some big changes, trying to overhaul can be overwhelming. So there’s no reason to make this more stressful than it really needs to be! You just need a little clarity and a little direction. Luckily for you, I’m your one-stop shop for both! I’ve been working with professional women like yourself for almost 20 years, which means I’ve got the process down. All you need is these 4 steps: audit, upgrade, refine, and add. That’s it!
These 4 easy tips will make sure you’re showing up intentionally and authentically for 2025 (and beyond!). Bookmark this blog and come back to it every few months to give you a nudge. I’m here to ensure you stay chic all year long. Let’s level how you show up!
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